8 Website Redesign Mistakes That Can Hurt Your SEO

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The success of any online business depends on the effectiveness of its search engine optimization techniques. If you want to make a lot of money from your online store, make sure that all of your content is visible on the first pages of search engines. Even though SEO is a vital considerat

The success of any online business depends on the effectiveness of its search engine optimization techniques. If you want to make a lot of money from your online store, make sure that all of your content is visible on the first pages of search engines. Even though SEO is a vital consideration, it is frequently disregarded while revamping a website. In most circumstances, website designers will prioritize the aesthetics and physical appearance of the site. Beautiful websites are a must. But what is the use of having a great website if it cannot be found in search engines?

A website makeover is often a large-scale effort requiring substantial technical and financial resources.
However, relaunching a website that does not speak the search engine language may result in the project failing completely. How can you ensure that your former website's SEO value is not only kept but also improved? How can you make sure your new website speaks search engine language? To answer these questions, avoid making the following SEO blunders while revamping your website:.

1. Considering SEO as an "after-design" practice

The first error that most website owners make when rebuilding their sites is forgetting to consider SEO from the beginning! Most designers will postpone it to the end of the web design process or, worse, delegate SEO optimization tasks to people who are less suited to do so. As a result, they have a website that is not well optimized for SEO. You should understand that SEO is a team sport whose performance is determined by the effectiveness of the web design and redevelopment processes.

You are undoubtedly wondering how SEO fits into the web design process. You must consider SEO while rebuilding your website. From prospecting to launch, SEO should always be a top priority. I recommend that you establish an eCommerce SEO migration checklist before starting your redesign process. It will help you learn more about everything you need to do.

2. Having a web design that is not responsive

Web design has a big impact on SEO, and any mistakes made throughout the redesign process may cause your site to fail. To maximize the effectiveness of your web redesign efforts, you must construct a website that appeals to both the human eye and search engine crawlers. The idea that web design is only about aesthetics is false and should be avoided. Your website's design will influence your internet presence. As a result, it is critical to boosting your visibility in search engines.

A good web design will result in high search engine ranks, but a bad web design will lower them. What is undesirable to the human eye is equally unappealing to search engines. If your website's design is unpleasant to users, the vast majority will abandon it. When search engines see a large number of visitors leaving your website, they will almost certainly drop your results.

Failure to address an out-of-date web design is a serious mistake that could damage your SEO success.

When rebuilding your website, consider investing in high-quality visuals. This is because high-quality pictures have a major impact on how long a visitor stays on your website. According to studies, 38% of web visitors will abandon a website if the design is unappealing. As a result, a visually appealing design will keep users on the site longer, improving conversion rates and SEO.

3. Failure to create a mobile-friendly design

Having a mobile-friendly website can significantly improve SEO. For a long time, Google has highlighted the importance of mobile usability. Google announced an algorithm modification in 2015 for websites that did not offer an effective mobile experience. The impact included a decrease in rank in search engine results pages for websites that were not mobile-friendly.

The number of people who use mobile devices has expanded dramatically, particularly in recent years. Statista reported 3.5 billion mobile users in 2019. This figure has increased since then. If you want to take advantage of the tremendous traffic coming from mobile devices, consider making your website more mobile-friendly during your next redesign effort.

4. Failure to Implement Appropriate Security Protocols

The presence or absence of online security technologies, controls, and policies has a substantial impact on SEO. Security is a problem for everyone who uses the internet, not just SEO experts and web designers. Every click your users make on your website creates a trail of personal, sensitive data that must be kept secure at all costs. As a result, user data security and privacy issues have been included in all stages of the website design process.

In 2015, Google declared that an SSL certificate on a website would be one of the primary ranking factors. It is also used as a tiebreaker when two or more websites have equal rankings in all other categories.

To ensure that you appear at the top of search engine results pages, you must obtain and install an SSL certificate. You must incorporate SSL installation into your website makeover process. Never relaunch a website that could compromise user data or privacy.

5. Failure to Conduct an SEO Audit on Your Old Website

Another SEO mistake that most designers make when rebuilding their website is failing to perform an SEO audit on the old site. An SEO audit will help you identify some of the areas for improvement. It will also assist you in identifying some of your previous website's flaws that posed a threat to SEO. Furthermore, the SEO audit will let you know which components of your SEO strategy are effective and which are not. After you've identified your SEO deficiencies, you must develop a comprehensive website redesign strategy that solves all of the defects detected during the SEO audit.

6. Failing to consult with your user experience team

Redesigning your website is a collaborative endeavor that requires the cooperation of people with diverse backgrounds. It is not something that should be limited to web designers. The UX team is one of the most important team members when redesigning an SEO-optimized website. The basic purpose of a website is to offer the best possible user experience. When rebuilding your website or applying positive SEO, you must keep your users interested and motivated to take action.

Allowing visitors to your website to locate exactly what they are searching for, as well as providing clear and simple paths for users to view what they are looking for, will improve the user experience. When rebuilding your website or applying positive SEO, you must keep your users interested and motivated to take action.

Allowing visitors to your website to locate exactly what they are searching for, as well as providing clear and simple paths for users to view what they are looking for, will improve the user experience. A positive user experience will result in more delighted customers. Your SEO will benefit from this.

7. Failing to move blogs and articles from your previous website to the new one

When revamping your website, make sure that all valuable blog content, articles, white papers, videos, and photographs are transferred from the old site to the new one. Even though it is challenging, transferring your valuable content is essential for maintaining your present SEO value.

Blog pages and articles that your customers found interesting and engaging. You should be aware that revamping your website is just intended to improve your present website, not create something entirely new.

8. Failure to Complete Proper Redirect Mapping

When redesigning a website, it is vital to ensure that the URLs from the prior website match those of the redesigned site. This ensures that any website visitor who clicks on an old link does not encounter the 404 error. Most web designers ignore some pages from senior websites since they do not attract as much traffic as the top pages. You must redirect all of your website's web pages, regardless of how little traffic they receive. To avoid SEO mistakes, redirect outdated information to a fresh web page with similar copy.

Finally, rebuilding and establishing a new website can be a daunting undertaking, especially if you want to maintain the SEO value of your previous website. If you can avoid these SEO mistakes, you will be able to swiftly align your new site's search engine rankings with the performance of your previous site. The best method to approach the redesign process is to plan ahead of time and allocate funds for it. You should also look for a professional website designer. A skilled website designer will help you construct a perfect website that will boost your SEO value and rank higher in search engine results pages.

Contact BM Marketing, a skilled website design firm in Dubai, to stay up-to-date on developing trends in website design and digital marketing. If you have any questions, need assistance, or are looking for a digital marketing agency in Dubai, please contact us immediately. 
