Fildena 150 mg: Benefits | Side effects | Reviews | Price

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Fildena 150 mg is a medication just for guys. Get it far from moms and youngsters.

What is Fildena 150 mg?

Fildena 150 mg contains sildenafil citrate and it is used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). It works incredibly as a sex drive supporter for men.

Fildena 150 mg is a gathering of PDE5 inhibitors used to treat erectile dysfunction (ED). Contains sildenafil citrate as a compound. Individuals likewise call it Generic sildenafil or Generic Viagra.

Additionally, Fildena-150 is less expensive than different brands of erectile dysfunction drugs. It is presently accessible in different strengths, permitting specialists to approve it in light of the seriousness of the patient.

It is the most ideal choice for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, which balances a few kinds that can lighten comparative issues.

Thus, on the off chance that you experience the ill effects of erectile dysfunction and top-notch sex, this purple pill can be an accomplice, guide, help, and answer for erectile dysfunction cases.


·         Fortune Healthcare

How Fildena 150 mg work?

The guideline of activity of Fildena 150 mg is like that of any remaining tablets from the classification of PDE-5 chemical inhibitors. At the point when the discharge of the PDE-5 chemicals is halted, the pill begins chipping away at the erection.

It happens when nitric oxide initiates vasodilation of the penile corridors. The expanded vasodilatory impacts increment the awareness of the penis by expanding how much blood is in the penile tissue.


Fildena 150 mg contains sildenafil citrate and in this way has a place with the PDE5 inhibitor bunch. This gathering of medications is used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a kind of sexual dysfunction in men that makes it hard to keep a hard erection. It is one of the most widely recognized sexual dysfunction issues in men around the world.

Erectile dysfunction happens when blood doesn't circle adequately in the erectile tissue (corpus cavernosum) of the penis.

How to take Fildena 150 mg tablets?

Continuously accept sildenafil as recommended by your primary care physician.

As a rule, you can take the medication with a glass of water. Swallow straightforwardly without smashing or biting.

Take it for 30-an hours before sexual action.

For best effects, take this medication while starving.

A solid way of life propensities upgrades the useful impacts of the treatment. If you are searching for a super durable answer for your brokenness, beginning imparting sound habits is ideal.

Dose Guidelines

The prescribed beginning dose is typically 25mg to 50mg; however, it can differ given individual necessities and clinical exhortation. So your doctor will recommend the right dose according to your ailment and different variables:

·         Missed dose

On the off chance that you missed a dose, skip it and sit tight for your next dose.

·         Overdose

Eating a great deal of Fildena tablets doesn't imply that your erection will increase during sex. Exorbitant use can prompt enemies of health results, for example, torment in the penis, superfluous erection deferral, and distress during sex.

It is possible that you incidentally take excessively, and see a specialist immediately.

Different strength

·         Fildena 25mg

·         Fildena 50 mg

·         Fildena CT 50mg

·         Fildena 100 mg

·         Fildena XXX 100mg

·         Fildena Professional

·         Fildena Super Active

·         Fildena CT 100

·         Fildena Double 200

Side effects

Not all side effects can be characterized into one. It ordinarily makes gentle side impacts, yet others can be serious with horrendous impacts. Note the side effects found beneath

·         Cerebral pain

·         Make you discombobulated

·         Loose bowels

·         Sickness

·         Stomach cramps

· Stomach-related issues

·         Flushing

·         Redness of the face

·         Rash

·         Chest torment

Drug Interaction

Sildenafil, a conventional PDE-5 chemical inhibitor, can add hardness to an erection, however, the presence of specific parts of the medication in the body can decrease its activity. To exacerbate the situation, you might begin to feel the beginning of side effects.

Here are probably the best restorative substances to keep away from while taking Fildena 150 mg routinely.

Explicit antimicrobial, antifungal specialists, and conventional antiviral fixings. Converse with your doctor for a full rundown of medications.

All prescriptions contain nitro mixtures or mixtures obtained from nitro.

·         Anticoagulant

·         Tablets that direct and forestall the bringing down of circulatory strain.

·         Tablets containing alpha-blockers.

·         Generics Different medications containing nonexclusive fixings other than sildenafil.

·         Admonitions AND Insurances

Counsel a Medical care Supplier:

Prior Conditions: Counsel a specialist before use, particularly on the off chance that you have coronary illness, high or low pulse, liver or kidney issues, or some other serious ailments.

Normal Check-ups: Standard clinical check-ups are prescribed to screen your condition and the medicine's belongings.

Hypersensitive Responses: Try not to take it assuming you are susceptible to Sildenafil Citrate or some other fixings in Fildena 150 mg.

Alcohol and Dietary Connections: Alcohol: Breaking point Alcohol use, as it can expand the gamble of aftereffects like discombobulation or low pulse.

Grapefruit: Keep away from grapefruit and grapefruit juice, as they can impede the digestion of the medication, prompting expanded secondary effects.

It isn't so much for kids and ladies.


Store at room temperature - 15 to 30 degrees Celsius

Get the tablets far from direct daylight.

Avoid kids.

Store them in sealed shut compartments to forestall the passage of dampness.

Try not to refrigerate Fildena 150 mg except if expressed.
